
Launch of the HighSense XP Detector for the S2 PUMA Series 2
Next Generation SDD for Enhanced Performance from Carbon (C) to Americium (Am)

The HighSense™ XP sets new benchmarks in energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) detector technology. It is the latest addition to Bruker’s HighSense Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) series. During this 45-min recorded event, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the S2 PUMA Series 2 with the new HighSense XP detector can do for you!

Our presenter, Dr. Adrian Fiege, will show the benefits of the HighSense XP based on application examples and answer your questions. Learn more

Watch the recording and download the presentation here.


bruker2X-Ray Microscopy (XRM) Techniques, Systems & Application Examples

Nondestructive 3D x-ray computer tomography (XRM) analysis is critical for the success in industrial production, research and development. 3D dimensional results bring crucial advantages in industrial process and quality control. Best analytical techniques help to achieve knowledge about inner structure such as void calculation, fiber orientation or CAD comparison of the sample. Analytical strength is key to fast progress in product development and fundamental research.

In this informational webinar our analytical expert will inform you how modern XRM technology works and how it can help to enhance the analytical in your laboratory. Based on examples from industries, such as Pharma, Food & Feed, Material and Industrial Science and Geology, you will get first-hand information about XRM, an outline about the opportunities that comes within and its applications.

Presented by: Norman Schott, Senior Sales Representative, XRM, Bruker AXS GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany

Register here to get the recording.


bruker3In-operando X-ray Diffraction with the D8 ADVANCE X-Ray Diffractometer.

Battery materials can be tested under in-situ/in-operando cycling conditions, delivering direct insights into the changing crystal structure and phase composition of energy storage materials

Read more on the investigation of Li-based pouch cells

Read more on X-ray diffractometers

The call for papers for ICXRI2021 was closed. If you have any enquiry, please email us. Thank you.


Important Deadlines - ICXRI2021

Full Paper Submission Deadline
30th April 2021

Notification of Acceptance
30th June 2021

Full Payment
CharmingGreenCats max 1mb 31st July 2021 CharmingGreenCats max 1mb



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