This conference is organized to provide an opportunity to all individuals and organizations who are involved and interested in the advancement of materials characterization techniques, to share their views and experiences. Additionally, ICXRI2023 provides a platform for exchanging information, having discussions of scientific problems and findings, as well as fostering friendship and partnership. Materials characterization techniques have contributed extensively to research and services.
In conjunction with ICXRI 2023, the Institute of Materials, Malaysia (IMM) is organizing the Conference on Materials Failure Investigation (CMFI) 2023 on 23rd August 2023. Registered participants of ICXRI2023 will be eligible for both ICXRI2023 and CMFI 2023 entry passes.
For more information on CMFI2023, you may visit
The advancement of knowledge in material science, solid-state physics, catalysis, medical and health sciences, and other fields has also benefited much from these techniques. With the recent evolution of computing power, improved software and systems enhanced digital capabilities, and greater precision handling, these techniques have gained much interest and have greatly widened its application in many new fields, with rapid, economic, but on-the-mark analysis. Thus, it is timely to have this conference to assess the current developments, deliberate on the recent innovations, and to introduce new ideas that shall spur future trends and applications for these techniques.
- To provide an International Forum for networking between researchers, engineers, academics, educational scientists, technologists, and students in multiple areas, especially related to X-ray applications.
- To offer an opportunity to present, demonstrate and discuss research, developments, applications, and the latest innovations and results in the field of X-ray applications in Academia, Research, and Industry.
- To present a platform for researchers, instructors, scientists, engineers, and students to exchange their ideas and intellectual view on related topics.
Manufacturers and users of X-rays and related techniques include material scientists, engineers, medical surgeons, solid-state physicists, chemists, geologists, dentists, interested parties, and all those in the area of manufacturing quality control of products and material characterizations.
- Keep abreast and up to date on the latest advances in the field.
- Excellent networking opportunities to collaborate with experts from around Malaysia and all over the world.
- Very competitive conference registration fee (full access to conference sessions and a Scopus-indexed publication).
- All conference paper submissions will be peer-reviewed prior to acceptance and shall be published in a Scopus-indexed journal/ proceeding.
- An opportunity to be a part of the XApp-MNS (X-Ray Applications Malaysia-Malaysia Nuclear Society) fraternity.
- Conference awards for Best Poster and Presenter.
- Be in contact for future XApp-MNS conferences, workshops, and activities.
- Attending a recognized conference that has been held since the year 2000.
All conference paper submissions will be peer-reviewed prior to acceptance and shall be published in Scopus-indexed publications/Proceeding